Services We Provide


• Infidelity Investigation • Surveillance • Divorce Issues • Child Custody • Asset Investigations • Background Checks • Missing Persons • Executive/personal protection • Workers Comp fraud • Security Services • Accident Investigations • Corporate Investigations • Teenager Problems • GPS Tracking • Data History

Click on links below to view each type of service we provide:

Infidelity Investigation


Divorce Issues

Child Custody

Asset Investigations

Background Checks

Missing Persons

Executive/personal protection

Workers Comp fraud

Security Services

Accident Investigations

Corporate Investigations

Teenager Problems

GPS Tracking

Data History

Infidelity Investigation

  • Unfortunately infidelity seems to be the norm rather than the exception.  You need to know the truth and we are ready to help.  Our investigators are trained to give you the information you need to aid in your decision making process. Uncovering the truth allows you to move on with your life.  This may be a significant first step in your recovery and at times, even your strained relationship.

  • At SBI we believe an effective investigation requires experience, state of the art equipment, trained personnel and innovated practices.  We can get the information you need by any means necessary to include fixed and mobile surveillance as well as undercover operations.
Divorce Issues

  • We at SBI know that that a divorce can be devastating on so many levels.  Are there signs of infidelity?  Is he/she hiding the cell phone bill? Why has our bank account diminished? Is he/she telling me the truth? And what about our children?  At this time in your life, we are help for you. Call now for a free consultation.
Child Custody

  • At SBI, we know that your child’s safety is your most important concern.   SBI is poised and ready to battle vigorously for you.  We have had years of experience helping bring you and your attorney fight for your child.  GPs tracking and other technological advances aid us in getting the answers you and you attorney need.
  • There are several factors a Judge will consider when determining custody. We understand these factors and can help you gather the evidence you need.  Our number one job is to help make sure your child ends up living in a happy, healthy, and safe environment.
Asset Investigations

  • Asset investigations can locate personal property or real estate owned by a person. Asset investigation can be performed for a variety of reasons. Litigation as well as divorce procedures may require this service.
Background Checks

  • Is this individual a sexual predator?  Does he/she have a criminal record? Are they suitable for employment within my company?  We can give you the information so that you can confidently make an informed decision.
Missing Persons

  • Has your child been abducted by another family member? Has your son or daughter run away from home? Are you looking for a long lost friend or relative?
  • When you’re trying to find someone, be it a beloved family member or a previous associate, it can be over whelming. Solving these types of cases requires time, dedication and expertise.
  • Call us now for a consultation.
Executive/personal protection

  • SBI provides executive protection by trained executive specialists.   We are well versed in protection strategies and techniques. Call now for a consultation.  954-732-7321 or 352-787-9823.
Workers Comp fraud

  • Each year employers lose billions due to fraudulent workers compensation claims. The workers compensation law protects people who are injured on the job.  It is there to ensure that employees who are injured or disabled are provided with a means of support.  Unfortunately, many employees are less than honest and in the end we all pay. At SBI, we can discover and gain evidence of a false or exaggerated claim.
Security Services

  • We can provide a security consultation by a subject matter expert. Vulnerability Analysis and security assessments for your business that is both comprehensive and specific to your needs.
  • SBI…. experts in physical security
Accident Investigations

  • Accidents can and will happen.  At SBI we can reconstruct the incident to determine underlying causes as well as help determine fault.
    • slip and fall
    • traffic
    • post accident analysis/prevention
Corporate Investigations to Include:

    • Fraud Investigations
    • HR related issues
    • Theft/Burglary
Teenager Problems

  • We also specialize in working with parents who want to know where and what their teen-aged children are doing without being the bad guys unless the evidence is there.  Today’s young people have more peer pressure and are making more regretful and damaging decisions than ever.  Too many parents wear blinders until it’s too late and their child is arrested or in the hospital or worse.  Children over 18 years of age have their lives ruined when they begin to accumulate a criminal record.
GPS Tracking 

  • State of the art GPS tracking that can give you real time information as well as historical data.

  • Need an address, phone number, criminal history?  New boyfriend, potential husband or wife, suspicious neighbor?  Suspicious vehicle in the neighborhood?  With just the license plate number, we can get the information you need.